Estebro, your specialists in gate hardware and stainless steel railing systems.

Stainless steel joint for U-40 stainless steel top track

Stainless Steel Sliding Gate Truck Joint
Stainless Steel Sliding Gate Truck Joint Z:DPTO.TECNICOOFICINA TÉCNICACarpeta Dibujos CatalogoRo

The stainless steel joint for U-40 stainless steel top track is used to join two stainless steel U-40 top tracks.

The stainless steel joint for U-40 stainless steel top track is an hardware for hanging sliding gates which is used to join two stainless U-40 top tracks. Material: stainless steel.

In Estebro, we manufacture hardware for hanging sliding wooden doors, metallic and stainless steel doors. Among the hardware for sliding wooden doors, we manufacture hardware for the following doors: hanging sliding doors, folding doors, curved gates, accordion door. The main part of our hardware for hanging sliding metallic doors are also available in stainless steel.

If you want, you can have more information on our hardware in our website, by downloading our catalogue or by requesting information through our contact form.

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