Estebro, your specialists in gate hardware and stainless steel railing systems.


How to install a rustic sliding simple door

¿Qué hace la juventud del estilo rústico en la decoración?

¿Te atreverías a colocar tu propia puerta?

Nuevo Video: Cómo instalar una puerta corredera rústica paso a paso

Si lo que buscas es un entorno natural con elegancia descuidada y moderna, en Estebro tenemos los accesorios de puertas que te ayudarán a lograr una decoración rústico-chic.

¡Un nuevo video tutorial que le muestra el proceso de instalación y colocación paso a paso de nuestro kit de hardware de puertas correderas rústicas simple o de granero ya está disponible en nuestro sitio web!

¡Tan simple y conveniente que puedes montarlo tú mismo!

Gracias a nuestros kits de puertas correderas de granero, la instalación de los accesorios en la puerta es muy fácil.

Los Barn Hardware Kits incluyen todo el hardware necesario para la instalación de la puerta rústica, así como las instrucciones de montaje.

Nuestros kits de puertas correderas individuales de granero incluyen:

  • Ruedas de nylon
  • Separadores de pared
  • Tapones
  • Guía de suelo
  • Placa / pista (varios tamaños disponibles)
  • Tornillos e instrucciones de montaje

Puedes consultar todos los accesorios para puertas correderas rústicas en la sección de herrajes para puertas correderas rústicas en nuestra web

¡No te pierdas el vídeo que hemos preparado sobre la instalación del sencillo kit de herrajes para puertas correderas rústicas!

Si lo deseas, también puedes ver nuestro vídeo de cómo instalar una puerta doble rústica. Video Instalación Doble Puerta Corredera Rústica

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Installation videos of Hinges positioner accessories

It’s here!

 We have new available installation videos on our website.

Just as we anticipated to you, we developed new demonstrative videos of the Hinges and Butt-Hinges Positioners’ accessories.

We have three new videos:

The first two videos that we have prepared about the accessories are videos of just over 1 minute in length where we show you the use and placement of the accessories in the Positioner:

Centering tools kit and magnet bases kit.

Still don’t know the accessories for the Hinge Positioner?

The optional accessory M4 Centering tools kit  allows adjusting the gap between the profile and the door depending on the size of the hinge and is available as an optional accessory in three sizes: Ø 6 mm, Ø 7 mm and Ø 8 mm

The optional accessory Magnet bases kit ensures the fixation of the Positioner, which allows a correct alignment of the hinges, even in vertical profiles.


We have expanded the video of the Hinge Positioner by incorporating the accessories.

This way, in the same video we can see the characteristics and advantages of the Hinges and Butt-Hinges Positioner and the characteristics, use and placement of the optional accessories that we have for it.

If the Hinges and Butt-Hinges Positioner already seemed like a useful and easy-to-handle tool, the new accessories will help you even more in the correct alignment of the hinges.

Don’t miss them!


If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact us on the following phone number +34  976 10 72 88; through our email address or through the  contact form.


Estebro, manufacturing Gate Hardware since 1962



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Si realmente crees que el posicionador de bisagras de soldadura es una herramienta increíblemente útil para lograr una soldadura precisa en tus bisagras y bisagras a tope, ¡no puedes perderte estas novedades!

Nuevos accesorios para el posicionador de bisagras y bisagras a tope.

¿De qué accesorios estamos hablando?

Los nuevos accesorios para el posicionador de bisagras y bisagras a tope que te presentamos son:

  • Kit de bases magnéticas


  • Kit de herramientas de centrado M4



Con el kit de bases magnéticas, el posicionador se mantiene firmemente fijado al perfil de la puerta, ofreciendo como tal una fijación adicional.

Esta fijación extra que damos al posicionador (gracias a los imanes) permite la correcta alineación de las bisagras de soldadura sobre el perfil de la compuerta, incluso en posición vertical.

  • El kit de bases de imanes incluye 2 imanes fuertes y 2 tornillos.
  • Fácil instalación.

Kit de herramientas de centrado M4

Otro accesorio que presentamos para el posicionador de bisagra de soldadura: un kit de centrado M4.

Las herramientas de centrado nos permiten ajustar la separación entre el perfil y la compuerta según las dimensiones de la soldadura sobre bisagra que desee colocar.

Para ello, existen 3 dimensiones diferentes de los kits de centrado:

  • Centradores de Ø6 mm : Código PO-0106
  • Centradores de Ø7 mm: Código PO-0107
  • Centradores de Ø8 mm: Código PO-0108


  • Las herramientas de centrado ayudan a facilitar la fijación y la soldadura de las bisagras cuando las dimensiones de la soldadura en bisagras lo requieren.
  • Un kit incluye 2 herramientas de centrado.

Pronto tendremos, en nuestra web, nuevos vídeos explicando la instalación y mantenimiento de los accesorios para el posicionador. ¡No te los pierdas!

¿Todavía no conoces el posicionador de bisagras y bisagras a tope?


 Si aún no conoces el posicionador de bisagras, te invitamos a hacer clic en el siguiente enlace a nuestra página web, donde encontrarás más información técnica al respecto: POSICIONADOR DE BISAGRAS Y BISAGRAS A TOPE PARA FIJACIÓN DE SOLDADURA.

Además, si lo desea, puede ver cómo manipular y trabajar con el posicionador de bisagra en el siguiente video: Video de demostración.



Si necesita más información o desea consultarnos sobre cualquier duda o consulta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros: Teléfono +34 976 10 72 88

Correo electrónico: o a través de nuestro formulario de contacto.



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60º anniversary

¿Sabes que los árboles más antiguos a menudo dan los frutos más dulces?

En Estebro creemos que es así y por eso y como estamos celebrando, este año, nuestro 60º #anniversary, compartimos nuestra dulzura con nuestros clientes.


regalo del 60 aniversario


¿Ya probaste este regalo? ¡Todavía estás a tiempo!

Consúltanos y te informaremos cómo puedes obtenerlo.

regalo del 60 aniversario

Recuerda que, para cualquier consulta, puedes contactar con Estebro llamando al siguiente número: (+34) 976 10 7 288; a través de nuestra dirección de correo electrónico o a través de nuestro formulario de contacto que tienes a continuación.


En Estebro fabricamos herrajes y accesorios para puertas y portones desde 1962. Nuestra experiencia es una garantía y una prueba de fiabilidad.

¿Compartimos nuestra dulzura?



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New steel handles for doors

New sliding door hardware!

At Estebro, we keep designing, innovating and manufacturing and, we have new products!

We will introduce you the new handles for doors, manufactured in steel, with two finishes: black and Zinc plated.

Among our hanging sliding door hardware family, we have 4 handles available for all types of doors: sliding doors, swing doors and wooden doors.


Large format or small? ¿Black finish and Zinc plated finish?

If you prefer the black handle, we have the following references:

Code 9932N: Small format

Code 9922N: Large format


Si ce que vous recherchez est une poignée zinguée, nous disposons des références suivantes:

Code 9932Z: Small format

Code 9922Z: Large format


The large handles are provided in boxes of 2 units.

The small handles are provided in boxes of 4 units.


Do not hesitate to visit our website to have an access to the drawings, the pictures and the description of the products.


If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact us by phone at +34  976 10 72 88; or through our email address or through our contact form.

Estebro, manufacturing hardware since since 1962.


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New videos of our products

The new videos of our products are available now!

We have been developing our demonstration videos of several of our products and they are already available in our website!

You can visualize them in our Videos section. If you don´t know where is the link, do not worry! You will find it in the menu bar in the top right part of our website.

You will see them here: Videos

In our videos section, you can find different demonstration videos of our products of the following ranges: hinges and butt hinges; Gates fittings and barn door accessories.


  • Demonstration video of the hinges and butt hinges positioner.
  • Demonstration video of our cemented sliding hinge.
  • Demonstration video of drop profile hinge with spring.
  • Demonstration video of our regulating drop profile hinge.
  • Demonstration video of our flag hinge with ball bearing.
  • Demonstration video of our round profile hinge with spring.
  • Demonstration video of our regulating round profile hinge.
  • Demonstration video of our 50mm pivot hinge to screw.
  • Demonstration video of our barn doors installation.

In our videos, of more than 2 minutes duration, you can find:

  • The product characteristics of the corresponding product.
  • Its advantages and benefits.
  • Its installation and assembly, step by step, on a door.

All our videos are available in the following languages:

  • Spanish.
  • English.
  • French.

Do not miss them! Installation videos really easy intuitive!

Moreover, at Estebro, we keep designing and manufacturing, and, progressively, we will make available more videos of our products.

If you need more information or if you have any doubts and/or you would like to consult us, do not hesitate to contact us.

Phone number: +34  976 10 72 88

Email: export@estebro,es or through our contact form.

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We are celebrating! Our 60 years anniversary!

Estebro´s 60th anniversary


60th anniversary


We are already in 2022 and, in Estebro, we are celebrating our anniversary!

 This year 2022 is a really special year for us. We are celebrating! Our 60 years anniversary!


We celebrate our 60 years by your sides! 60 years to manufacture, design, innovate, grow and evolve while providing products and services of the best possible quality.


We are proud to be able to tell you that we manufacture our hardware and accessories for doors and gates since 1962.

Our effort, our dedication and our commitment permit us to grow throughout the years. Thanks to you, clients, suppliers, staff and collaborators, we have been converted ourselves into a big family, reference on the national and on the international market.


Our motor doesn´t stop; we keep working and giving you the best we can. Very soon, we will introduce you, all the new products and, we hope that you will appreciate!

  • Hinges and Butt Hinges
  • Bottom sliding door hardware
  • Cantilever gate hardware
  • Hanging sliding door hardware
  • Barn door hardware
  • Overhead door hardware
  • Steel gates fittings.
  • Bolts
  • Handles
  • Protection hardware!

We keep going as we are! 60th anniversary!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

We closed the year 2021 with illusion and we are looking towards the next year with illusion and pride.

We will celebrate our 60 years of existence next to you (1962-2022)

Thank you everyone to make it possible!

Clients, suppliers, colleagues and friends.

Our big wish for 2022 is to share the joy and the pride of our 60 years anniversary with you, that our collaboration will continue on this way and will exist for many years.

For all of this, we will keep working to provide you the best we can.

We will continue to develop new products and services and we will always be committed to innovation, quality and development.

The Estebro´s family wish you a Merry christmas and a happy new year!

Noticia Wen Ampliada NAvidad 2021 ENG


Are you working with Stainless steel?


There are more and more installations that require for security or norm reasons, the installation of stainless steel hardware.

At Estebro, in line with our commitment with the quality, we manufacture the main part of our hardware in A2 and A4 Stainless Steel.

Advantages of the stainless steel hardware and accessories:

  • High oxidation resistance
  • You can apply them in different environments and specially:
    • In the environment exposed to big temperature changes
    • Humidity areas
  • Cold and very hot environments
  • They don´t lose their brightness  and their tone

Do you know these hardware?

As you know, we have two catalogues, our gate hardware and accessories and Stainless steel handrails accessories.

We begin with the introduction of our stainless steel hardware and accessories.

In this catalogue, we find the following families:  hinges and butt hinges, sliding door hardware and hanging sliding door hardware, steel gate fittings, handles, bolts of all types ; all of them have a large range of products manufactured in Stainless steel.  


Stainless Steel hinges and butt hinges

We manufacture in AISI 303 Stainless Steel, AISI 304 Stainless steel and AISI 316 Stainless Steel:

  • Round profile hinges
  • Drop profile hinges
  • Flag hinges.
  • Three bodies hinges
  • Butt hinges.

Pernios INOX

You can find more details in the following link: Stainless steel hinges and butt hinges.

 Stainless steel bottom sliding door hardware

We manufacture in AISI 303 Stainless Steel and AISI 304 Stainless Steel:

 Bottom track to screw or to fit.

  • Nylon Roller
  • Adjustable Rollers plate
  • Wheels
    • Internal U-groove Wheels, external U-groove wheels or simple U- groove wheel without any boxes.
    • Internal V-groove Wheels, external V-groove wheels or simple V-groove wheel without boxes.
    • Internal U groove nylon Wheels, external U groove nylon wheels or simple nylon U- Wheel without any boxes.
    • Internal V-groove nylon Wheels, external V-groove nylon wheels or simple nylon V-wheel without any boxes
    • Anti- derailing and Anti-pinch 60mm wheels.

Correderas Inox

You can consult the products of this bottom sliding door family in the following link:  Bottom sliding door hardware.

Stainless Steel hanging sliding door hardware

Our U- 30, U-40,  U-60 and U-70 hardware ranges for hanging sliding doors or movable elements are designed to offer different solutions of sliding doors: Hanging sliding gates, overlapping doors and curved gates.

Correderas Colgadas Inox


Stainless Steel hanging sliding door hardware:

U-30 Range ……….  E75

U-40 Range  ……..   E150 – E300

U-60 Range …….     E450


Stainless Steel overlapping doors:

U-30 Range ……….. E60

U-60 Range ………… E100


Stainless Steel curved doors:

U-40 Range ………..  E675 – E150

U-60 Range ………… E200


Our hardware are available in AISI 316 Stainless Steel. We manufacture:

  • Top and bottom tracks
  • Top and bottom curves
  • Simple and doble wheels hangers
  • Stoppers
  • Joints
  • Brackets

Steel gate fittings

We manufacture our pivot hinges with 42mm ball bearing and our pivot hinges with 60mm ball bearing  AISI 303 – AISI 304 L in Stainless Steel.

The pivot hinges are provided as individual elements ( top part or bottom part) or as a set ( including top and bottom parts.)

Herrajes Inox Puertas Cancela

Stainless Steel bolts

We manufacture a large range of bolts in AISI 316 Stainless Steel in different sizes and finishes: polish and satin.

  • Bolts to screw
  • Bolts with flap to weld
  • Squared barrel bolt
  • Basic bolts, double and strong


Cerrojos Inox

Stainless Steel handles

There is a large range of handles in different finishes: Polish and satin.

Manillas Inox

You can obtain more information on our complete range in the link: Stainless Steel handles.

As you see, we manufacture the main part of our hardware in Stainless Steel.

If you work with the stainless steel, do not hesitate to contact with Estebro. We are manufacturers and apart from the products of our catalogue, we have a bespoke products manufacture department in order to adapt ourselves to your needs.


What do you think about it? 

We hope that these little reminders help your to see all the hardware options available in Stainless Steel

You can obtain more technical information on our dimensions, drawings of our hardware and accessories for stainless steel doors in our website.

You can also contact us by phone at 0034  976 10 72 88; through our email address or through  contact form.


We are manufacturer, we adapt ourselves to your needs!

NEW Nylon Roller with removable screw (25×35)

At Estebro, we have new products!

For this occasion, the new products are coming from the sliding door hardware line.

We introduce you the NEW Nylon Roller with removable screw!

 Yes, our nylon roller has also now a removable screw.

 This new nylon roller is now available under the following reference: 7003

Nylon Roller with removal screw

Would you like to know the difference with the reference 700?

  • It´s the new nylon Roller that is not fixed.
  • The screw is removable.

Available in the dimension 25×35 M.12.

At Estebro, we keep designing, developing and manufacturing!



  • Finish: Zinc Plated
  • Dimensions: 25×35  M.12
  • Packaging: Boxes of 24 Units.
  • Manufactured in Spain


What do you think about it? 

You have more technical information on our nylon Roller through the following link in our website: NEW NYLON ROLLER WITH SCREW.

 Moreover, if you need any bespoke product, at Estebro, we have  a special and bespoke manufacture department, we adapt ourselves to your needs.

If you need more information, if you have any doubt or if you need any advice on our nylon Roller with screw, do not hesitate to consult us:

Phone number: +34  976 10 72 88; Email: or through our contact form.


We are providing all the new products and the best solutions for your sliding doors!