Hardware manufacturer since 1962
We are your gate hardware manufacturer and your specialist in stainless steel handrail systems.
Since 1962 Estampaciones EBRO’s has been manufacturing high quality fittings. Our main goals have always been high quality production, innovation, development of new products and specially a good service to our customers.
The investment in the latest machinery, the high qualification of our human resources, the manufacture of our own moulds and tools, the control of our production, the quality control of our products and our warehouse of finished products allow us to we give fast solutions to the different requested products (standard and tailor-made ones) all over the world.
We manufacture a wide range of Gate Hardware:
- Gate hinges
- Sliding gate hardware
- Hardware for overhead sliding gates:
- Sliding gate hardware for metallic gates
- Sliding gate hardware for wooden gates
- Accessories and gate hardware for overhead sliding gates.
- Swing gate hardware
- Bolts for doors
- Accessories for doors and gates
- Help yourself gate hardware
Estebro, your specialist in Stainless Steel Handrail Accessories.
Estebro offers a wide selection of stainless steel accessories for handrails in different tube diameters. We also manufacture posts and banisters (standard and tailor made ones) for the handrails assembly .
Our range of stainless steel handrail accessories:
- Glass clamps for glass balustrades
- Stainless steel banister kits
- Stainless steel tailor made banisters
- C-Line: Squared stainless steel handrail accessories
- 40x40x1,5 mm
- R-Line: Round stainless steel handrail accessories
- 42,4×2 mm: satin finish
- 43×1,5 mm: polish finish
- 50,8×1,5 mm: satin and polish finishes
- Standard stainless steel posts Postes para el montaje de barandillas
- Custom made stainless steel posts

Estampaciones del EBRO started as a family company in 1962 in Zaragoza with Vicente Malo Ibáñez as one of the founders.
Our beginnings were the manufacture of round profile hinges (chain manufacture), hinges for wooden carpentry and tailor made products such as gate fittings and products for agricultural machinery.
It did not take long for the business to expand so we decided to move to a larger 190 m2 premises on Avenida Puente del Pilar. It was here when we acquire a metal stamping and magnetic plate cut company, called Estampaciones Delicias.
However, it would be a further 3 years before we became Estampaciones EBRO, when the two companies merged.
Among the wide range of products Estampaciones EBRO manufactured then, there were exhaust pipes for car brands such us Renault R8 850 and SIMCA 1000.
In 1968, we moved again but this time to an industrial park out side the city, Poligono Cogullad. This led to a wider expansion in the production line. We stopped manufacturing hinges for wooden carpentry and started producing wheels for sliding doors.
In 1972, we focused our production on the manufacture of Round Profile Hinges and Wheels, deciding to shelve manufacture of magnetic plates. During the same year, Estampaciones EBRO started to produce calibrate and threaded bar, however this production only lasted until 1983. From then on, we became a dedicated manufacturer of gate hardware.
By 1974, we were known as Estampaciones EBRO S.L.
In 1988, we moved again, this time to La Puebla de Alfindén industrial park, Zaragoza, which is still our location today. Our new premises gave us the space to meet the market demand and produce new hardware.
In 1991, Vicente Malo Lozano, became the General Director of Estampaciones EBRO S.L
In 1994, Estampaciones EBRO, S.L. acquired Suppybolt, a company that manufactured Flat Hinges and Tighteners. Vicente Malo Lozano became the owner and the General Director of the company in 1997.
From then until now, we have constantly been innovating in both technology behind our products and the methods we use to produce them. We have expanded our production line, having a wider range of manufactured and traded products.
Apart from our gate hardware and accessories for Metallic Carpentry, we have expand our range of fittings for aluminium, glass and stainless steel. Becoming specialists in stainless steel handrail accessories and manufacturing posts, tailor made handrails, posts for balustrades and railings.
Our brand ‘Estebro’ can count on one of the best Human Resources Team.
Our development policy has always been aimed at customer satisfaction, with a constant search of the best suppliers and the highest quality raw materials, staying true in our main believes: quality and security of our manufactures.
Estebro, yesterday, today, tomorrow.
The quality policy of ESTAMPACIONES EBRO S.L, is defined throught the mission, vision and values description, from where we can appreciate the real will of meet the needs of our clients such as the continuous improvement in the efficiency of the quality management system. On the same way, this paragraph serves as a reference for the quality objectives establishment.
ESTAMPACIONES EBRO focuses his activity on bringing competitive solutions on the market in relation with the hardware, system of opening and closing for metallic doors and handrails, offering qualitative and secure products to the clients, providing with a quick and complete attention. Our objective is to meet the requirements of all the interested parties, consuming on a strict way the necessary ressources and ensuring the security and quality in the manufacture and the function of our products.
Through the effort in the innovation, in the analysis and continuous improvement, we pretend to achieve, in the context of the quality management, more market shares on the national and international scale with the use of indispensable ressources.
For the vision achievement, we rely on the following values:
- Quality and security: Based on the efficiency, client service and profesionalism, provide a qualitative and secure services.
- Trust: Based on the security transmission,credit rating, honest treatment and respect for others.
- Flexibility: Based on the agility of answer and adaptation capacity of the changes and needs of the interested parties.
- Loyalty: Personal treatment to the clients and suppliers and resolutions of their needs on a personal and immediate way, being sure to meet their requirements.
- Commitment: efficient human team, trained and motivated with a high involvement in the achievement of the company results.
All the expressed previously enhance the achievement of our strategic plan and supporting in 4 perspectives:
- Clients: Commitment to meet the needs applicable to the clients, regulatory and the one focused on the achievement of the clients´needs.
- Process: Our concern on the quality, the commitment of the continuous improvement of the quality and innovation management is translated in the better satisfaction for our clients and in a commitment to meet the applicable provisions.
- Ressources: All the persons implied in the activity of the company are aware of the importance of the quality contribution in the quality experienced by the client and with it, they have a proper objective in the continuous improvement. We provide the necessary ressources for the improvement and the innovation of the products and services, management process and production and company picture.
- Financial: Achievement of the benefits that promote the company growth and improvement.

Our commitment with quality and with our customer’s satisfaction, leads us to fulfil with the Norm ISO.9001, guarantee of an effective quality system.

Estampaciones EBRO S.L’s philosophy has always been based on the constant improvement, the satisfaction of its customers and consumers’ needs, the development of new products, the innovation, the quality and the security of its products.
For all that Estebro has constantly work on its I+D+i together with its Technical and Quality Departments as well as cooperating with different organisations specialists on these fields.
Estebro is member of different sector associations and counts on one of the best Human Resources Team.
Estebro cooperates with the Centro Politécnico Superior in Zaragoza developing studies about the security of its manufactures. We have developed our own software to offer a good technical support to our consumers; as well carrying out different tests and trials of our gate hardware.
Together with The Technological Institute of Aragon (ITA) we accomplish material test to guarantee the quality of our products.
Estebro has developed its own welding studies for its hardware with Oerlikon.
Estebro also belong to ASEFAVE and counts with experts in working groups of AENOR and CEN working in the development of National and International Norms.